How do you feel today?

For this shoot I had drawn inspiration from american student Shea Vaughan-Gabor’s  Youtube video showing peoples reactions before and after being called beautiful, from this there were a series of images showing the before and after side by side. This change of emotion gave me a spark of creativity. I wanted to show my brother a weird video, a funny video ect ect to try to get different reactions. From which I could document via photographs and stitch together.

Screenshots from the previously mentioned youtube video.

Originally I wanted to copy the facial features onto an image of the models blank face, and create a Tyler The Creator-esq image (Inspiration shown below) however I quickly realised this would give off too much of a cartoony aesthetic that I didn’t feel suited this section. I decided that the best course of action was to crop one of the four corners from four images and place them into one. I feel this task went fairly well, however I would have liked to have edited this more cleanly to make it hard to distinguish between the different sections. I did enjoy this section however as it gave me an excuse to listen to both Domo23 & Goblin by Tyler.

How do you feel today FINISHED
This my final image.
Images 7472-7477 Were too blurry to utilize. This was due to experimenting with different lighting techniques.

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